Unique Story of Musical Instrument Repair Service to Reach Audiences Nationwide
The captivating Oscar-nominated documentary short film, “The Last Repair Shop,” is set to make its television debut this weekend. The 40-minute film, directed by Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers, will be broadcast on Saturday on ABC owned television stations and select affiliates, as announced by the studios on Thursday.
A Heartwarming Tale of Musical Instrument Repair
“The Last Repair Shop” delves into the heartwarming story of a unique service within the Los Angeles Unified School District that has been providing free and expertly repaired musical instruments to public school students since 1959. The film offers viewers an intimate look inside the downtown warehouse where this impactful work takes place.
An Emotional Journey
Composer Kris Bowers, known for his work on acclaimed films and shows like “King Richard” and “The Color Purple,” shared his personal connection to the film. He expressed gratitude towards one of the main subjects, Steve Bagmanyan, who had tuned the pianos Bowers had played as a child. Bowers sees the film as a way to acknowledge the unsung heroes who shaped his musical journey.
Nationwide Broadcast Premiere
The broadcast of an Oscar-nominated documentary short like “The Last Repair Shop” is a significant milestone. Audiences in major California cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Fresno, as well as in other key markets like Chicago, Houston, and New York, will have the opportunity to experience this touching narrative.
Impactful Message of Music and Inspiration
Matthew Greenfield and David Greenbaum, presidents of Searchlight Pictures, praised the film for its ability to showcase how the gift of music can touch and inspire individuals of all ages. They expressed excitement at the prospect of “The Last Repair Shop” resonating with audiences nationwide.