Aries: Embrace Change for Better Results
Understandably, you are in no mood to rethink certain arrangements. One of the joys of situations of this nature is everybody knows what’s expected of them. However, with the foundation on which these are based shifting, things can’t remain as they are. The sooner you begin making the necessary changes, the better.
Taurus: Don’t Rush Important Decisions
Practicality isn’t just important to you. Being an earth sign, you would rather take ages making a decision, and being confident it’s the right one, than have to rethink it. The problem? Certain individuals are eager to get things going. Thank them for their interest, then explain these matters can’t be rushed.
Gemini: Avoid Getting Overwhelmed
As much as you enjoy discussing what others are up to, especially if their activities are taking them into new territory, be wary. The individuals in question have the time and experience to deal with it. You don’t — and could soon find yourself overwhelmed by their ups and downs.
Cancer: Learn from Challenges
As one of the three intuitive and often hyper-sensitive water signs, your life is about ups and downs. This is nothing new and, in fact, those intense feelings add hugely to moments of happiness and joy. The challenges? You’re learning how to turn these into something that improves your life.
Leo: Prioritize and Make Changes
Yet again you have over-committed to plans. While, as a fire sign, you sometimes struggle to fit everything you intend to do in each 24-hour day, at the moment you are overwhelmed. Still, you’re eager to get going. Pause and consider what, in truth, can wait. Then begin the process of making the appropriate changes.
Virgo: Be Direct and Seek Clarity
Long ago you learned how to spot those who do not just enjoy complaining, but have developed it into an art form. Fortunately, however, you have also learned when to ignore their moaning. And now? Be direct. Ask them to explain what’s on their mind.
Libra: Say No to Unwanted Company
As a Libra, you have a talent for being charming, including with those whose company you dislike. While usually that’s a virtue, at the moment it’s causing you problems. Certain individuals who you’d prefer to avoid are carefully including you in their schedule. Your response? Say a polite but firm “no”.
Scorpio: Embrace Honesty and Clarity
For ages you have managed to sidestep discussions you feared would lead to revealing facts you would rather avoid. Ironically, however, recent encounters forced you to talk these over frankly — and it was surprisingly easy. Better yet, you’ve cleared up a lot of confusion. What’s more, this is only the start.
Sagittarius: Engage in Communication for New Perspectives
Few things annoy you more than those who are indecisive, especially when their cooperation is needed in making plans. Chat with them about their concerns. What you learn in the process of talking things through won’t just be informative, it could revolutionize your thinking and your long-term priorities.
Capricorn: Take the Plunge and Learn
Being a practical earth sign and ruled by the planet of caution, Saturn, checking out even the simplest of plans isn’t just a habit, it’s a necessity. Yet with things moving so swiftly, you have no time. Plunging in may not come naturally. Still, do it. You’ll be amazed what you learn.
Aquarius: Dive into New Ideas and Plans
Being an inquisitive and quick-thinking air sign, you thrive on discovering and exploring new ideas. While often it’s about what you learn and who you meet, at the moment some of those ideas could turn into plans, and more swiftly than you’ve imagined possible. Still, plunge in. You’ll realize how wise this was.
Pisces: Focus on Your Well-being
As a Pisces, you benefit from a powerful intuition. While, in part, this enables you to sense what’s coming next, you also have a talent for picking up on what others are feeling, from their joys to their anxieties. Be aware, however, that knowing about these doesn’t mean you must help them.
Saturday: Understanding Differences
Sometimes differences between you and others are exactly that, elements of your nature that are puzzling, if not irritating. Now, however, it’s about defining and discussing these issues, ideally over time and at length. What you learn about others and yourself will be hugely rewarding.
Sunday: Open and Honest Discussions
Living and learning from others is tricky. While often these battles are unspoken, this birthday is about discussing them frankly, to the extent that each fully understands the others’ feelings, their ups and downs, and, better yet, can be there when support isn’t just needed, it’s essential.
Monday: Speak from the Heart
Long ago you learned who would be eager if not delighted to chat about what you are thinking or doing versus those who regard “polite conversation” as the ultimate social skill. Now, however, it’s about speaking from the heart. Begin now. Soon, those discussions will be core to your relationship and life.